Nummer 79 | Passionfruit sour
We’ve been saying it for years, sour beers are the future. Slowly you see them more and more on the shelves and refrigerators throughout the Netherlands. In all variations: Geuzes, Berliner Weisse, Brett, lactic acid bacteria, additions of (citrus) fruit … Surprisingly refreshing, so extremely suitable for the summer.
A trip to our Southern neighbors: the Cherry Sour
At Brouwerij ‘t IJ we have had a great love for the beers of our Belgian colleagues from thevery beginning. Kaspar Peterson, the founder of our brewery, got hooked on it when he was still touring Belgium as a bass player and when he was a brewer himself once he regularly went back there. He rummaged through breweries and talked to the people who worked there.
Archive for 2022 / May
New Year’s Drinks by Brouwerij ‘t IJ at Proeflokaal de Molen
New Year's Drinks by Brouwerij 't IJ at Proeflokaal de …Vrijwit & Calypso win awards
That makes our brewers incredibly proud: gold for both Vrijwit …A grand anniversary deserves an iconic beer
To honor Amsterdam’s 750th anniversary, we’re launching a special version …Countdown to IJndejaars
All good things come to an IJnde. That's why, on …Vacature: Bedrijfsleider bij ‘t Blauwe Theehuis