Looking for PaasIJ at cafe de Ceuvel

Its almost Easter, which means you’ll be able to enjoy PaasIJ for a while now and that its almost time to look for Easter eggs. PaasIJ is a seasonal beer with a characteristic soft and slightly spicy taste. As long as our inventory allows, you’ll find PaasIJ in the better liquor stores, bars and of course our own pub.

Just like previous years, kids will be able to look for Easter eggs in and around cafe de Ceuvel. But adults can look for another kind of Easter eggs as well. Bottles of PaasIJ (lously translated to ‘EasterEgg’) will be hidden in the same area! De Ceuvel is a creative hub for social entrepreneurs which is located on a former shipyard in Amsterdam-North with a focus on sustainability. On the site you’ll find creative workspaces, a cultural stage and cafe restaurant de Ceuvel.

The Easter egg hunt takes place on the first day of Easter in and around cafe de Ceuvel. It starts on 11 am and children will pay 10 and adults 19,50 euros to participate. You can sign up by sending an email to [email protected].

Happy Easter!

Looking for PaasIJ at cafe de Ceuvelbrouwerijhetij

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